Book table: Standard fields

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The Book table contains information about all books in the database. Information from lookup tables (for example Publisher) is not stored in the Book table, BookCAT only saves a link to the relevant item in the lookup table. This means that any changes you make to a lookup item, for example fixing a typing error, is reflected in all books where the item is used.

Acquired From (Text 50 - lookup)

Where you bought the book, who you got it from, etc.

Appraiser (Text 50 - lookup)

The name of the appraiser (this could be a person, a catalog, etc.).

Author (Text 50 - lookup)

The name of the author(s). In the first column, type the name of the person. In the second column, specify the role you want to link the person to (Co-Author, Editor, etc.).

Author Pseudonym (Text)

Use this field to search for all books written by a specific author, no matter which pseudonym is used. For this to work you need to edit the "real name" in the Person lookup table, and enter the various pseudonyms in the Pseudonym field. You find more information here.

Author Relation (Text)

This field includes all related authors.

Awards (Text 100)

Here you can specify awards. You can also specify the year the award was given and any additional details.

Barcode (Text 50)

The bar code number.

Binding (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to specify binding (Hardcover, Paperback, etc.).

Book ID (Numeric)

This is an unique ID number that is assigned to each record in the table. You cannot edit this field.

Borrower (Text - lookup)

If the book is currently loaned out, this field contains the name of the borrower.

Category (Text 50 - lookup)

The category describes the type of book.

Note: By default this field is not visible in the data entry window (you can add it with the Form Designer). You might want to use the Genre field instead.

Change in Value (Numeric)

The difference between price and value.

Change in Value % (Numeric)

The difference between price and value in percent.

Condition (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to specify the condition of the book.

Copyright Date (Date)

The book's copyright date. If you don't know the day and month, just specify the year.

Country (Text 50 - lookup)

The country of origin.

Cover Price (Numeric)

The cover price. You can specify both the actual price, and the currency.

Cover 1-9 (Binary)

This field contains the actual image if the image is stored in the database.

Cover 1-9 - Compressed (Yes/No)

Specifies whether the image is compressed or not (only applies to BMP images).

Cover 1-9 - External (Yes/No)

Specifies whether the image is stored externally (only the file path to the image file is stored in the database), or not.

Cover 1-9 - File Name (Text 255)

If you have linked to an external image, this field contains the file name.

Cover 1-9 - Notes (Memo)

This memo field is for your own notes about the image.

Cover 1-9 - Thumbnail (Binary)

This is a thumbnail of the image. The thumbnail is automatically created when you add a new image.

Cover 1-9 - Type (Numeric)

The type of image: 0 - bmp, 1 - gif, 2 - jpeg, 3 - png, or 99 - other.

Credits (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field for any additional credits. In the first column, type the name of the person. In the second column, specify the role you want to link the person to (Cover Design, Illustrator, etc.).

Current Value (Numeric)

The book's current value.

Date Acquired (Date)

The date you acquired the book. If you don't remember the day and month, just specify the year. Click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar where you can select the date.

Date Borrowed (Date)

If the book is currently loaned out, this field contains the date it was borrowed.

Date Due (Date)

If the book is currently loaned out, this field contains the date it is due to be returned.

Dewey (Text 25)

The dewey decimal number.

Dimensions - Depth (Numeric)

The depth of the book

Dimensions - Height (Numeric)

The height of the book.

Dimensions - Width (Numeric)

The width of the book.

Dustjacket Condition (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to specify the dustjacket condition.

Edition (Text 50 - lookup)

The book's edition.

File Links (Text)

Here you can add links to external files.

Full Title 1 (Text)

This field combines Title, Series and Release No into one field: Series (Release No): Title.

Full Title 2 (Text)

This field combines Title, Series and Release No into one field: Title (Series Release No).

Genre (Text 50 - lookup)

You can assign the book to as many genres as you like (for example "Biography", "Education", "History" or "Science Fiction"). One of the genres can be the "primary" genre (shown in bold).

When entering data, the first genre you select is automatically set as the primary genre. To set another genre as the primary genre, right-click and choose "Primary Genre" from the popup menu, or simply press Ctrl+Space.

Insurance (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to link the book to an insurance policy.

ISBN (Text 25)

The ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).

Keywords (Text 150 - lookup)

This field is for listing keywords that describe the book.

Language (Text 50 - lookup)

The language.

Last Modified (Date)

The date/time the record was last modified. This field is automatically updated by BookCAT when you edit data.

Last Read (Date)

The date you last read the book.

LCCN (Text 25)

The LCCN number (Library of Congress Catalog Number).

Location (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to specify the location of the book.

Main Author (Text - lookup)

This field includes authors that are not assigned to any author role.

Marked (Yes/No)

This field indicates whether the book is marked or not.

New Book (Yes/No)

This field indicates whether the book is new, and is based on the Date Acquired field. By default, if it's less than 60 days since you acquired the book, this field returns Yes. If not, it returns No.

Note: You can change the number of days used in this calculation by choosing Tools=>Options=>Data Entry, and specifying the new value in the 'New book period' text box. Default value is 60 days.

Nominations (Text 100 - lookup)

Here you can specify award nominations. You can also specify the year the nomination was given and any additional details.

Notes (Memo)

This memo field is for your own notes.

Number of Sections (Numeric)

This field contains the number of sections in the book, and is automatically maintained by BookCAT.

On Loan (Yes/No)

This field indicates whether the book is currently on loan.

Original Country (Text 50 - lookup)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original country of origin.

Original Language (Text 50 - lookup)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original language.

Original Publish Date (Date)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original publish date.

Original Publisher (Text 150 - lookup)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original publisher.

Original Release No (Numeric)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the release number in the series.

Original Series (Text 50 - lookup)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the name of the original series.

Original Subtitle (Text 255)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original subtitle.

Original Title (Text 150)

If the book is translated, use this field to specify the original title.

Overdue (Yes/No)

If the book is loaned out, this field indicates whether it is overdue or not.

Owner (Text 50 - lookup)

The owner of the book.

Pages (Numeric)

The total number of pages.

Personal Rating (Text with image - lookup)

Use this field to specify your own personal rating. The default setup will let you select a star rating between 0 and 5 stars.

Primary Genre (Text 50 - lookup)

The primary genre. For more information, see the Genre field.

Printed by (Text 50 - lookup)

The name of the company that has printed the book.

Printing (Text 50 - lookup)

The printing (1st printing, 2rd printing, etc.).

Publication Place (Text 50 - lookup)

The publication place (name of the city, and state or province, and country, if needed to identify the city) where the book was published or released.

Publish Date (Date)

The publish date. If you don't know the day and month, just specify the year.

Publisher (Text 150 - lookup)

The name of the publisher.

Purchase Price (Numeric)

What you paid for the book.

Reference No (Text 25)

Use this field if you have your own system for identifying books in your collection.

BookCAT will automatically generate the reference number. To configure this feature, choose Tools=>Options=>Reference No and make your selections.

Registered (Date)

This field contains the date the book was added to the database. Today’s date is used automatically, but you can change it if you want. Click on the calendar icon to display a pop-up calendar where you can select the date.

Release No (Numeric)

If the book is part of a series, use this field to specify the release number.

Reviews (Memo)

This memo field is for reviews.

Selling Price (Numeric)

Use this field to specify the selling price.

Series (Text 50 - lookup)

If the book is part of a series, specify the name of the series in this field.

Status (Text 50 - lookup)

The status of the book, for example "Own" or "For sale".

Sub-Category (Text 50 - lookup)

In addition to the Category field, you can use the Sub-category to describe the type of book.

Note: By default this field is not visible in the data entry window (you can add it with the Form Designer). You might want to use the Genre field instead.

Subtitle (Text 255)

If the book has a subtitle, enter it here.

Synopsis (Memo)

This memo field is for the synopsis.

Title (Text 150)

The title of the book.

Note: When you tab out of the Title field (or save the book), BookCAT will automatically fill in the Title Sort field if it is empty.

Title Sort (Text 152)

This is the value that is used when sorting on the book title. When you tab out of the Title field (or save the changes), BookCAT will automatically fill in the Title Sort field if it is empty. If the name begins with “A” or “The”, BookCAT will automatically update the Title Sort field to reflect this. For example, if you type “The Hobbit” in the Title field, BookCAT will add “Hobbit, The” to the Title Sort field. This means that the book is sorted under "H" and not "T".

Type (Text 50 - lookup)

Use this field to specify the type of book, for example "Fiction" or "Non-fiction".

Web Links (Text)

Here you can add links to web sites.

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