Album Count (Numeric)
The number of albums linked to this boxset.
Albums (Text)
The name of the albums linked to this boxset.
Artist (Text 100 - lookup)
The artist name(s).
Cover (Binary)
This field contains the image if it is stored in the database.
Cover - Comments (Memo)
Comments about the image.
Cover - Compressed (Yes/No)
Specifies whether the image is compressed or not (only applies to BMP images).
Cover - External (Yes/No)
Specifies whether the image is stored externally (that is, only a link to the image is stored in the database) or not.
Cover - File Name (Text 255)
If this is an external image, this field contains the file name.
Cover - Thumbnail (Binary)
This field contains a thumbnail of the image. The thumbnail is automatically created when you add a new image.
Cover - Type (Numeric)
The type of image: 0 - bmp, 1 - gif, 2 - jpeg, 3 - png, or 99 - other.
Notes (Memo)
This field is for your own notes.
Released (Date)
The release date/year.
Title (Text 253)
The box set title.
Title Sort (Text 255)
This is the value that is used when sorting on the title.